Monday, September 1, 2008

The Low Down on Managing Your Budget and Cashflow Exposed!

I bet just the very title of this article is enough to make you run to cover! Along with kupishtata paper, budget and cash flow is another area that will drive independent business owners over the edge! In its corporate days that you'd accounting / accounting office, taking care of all this for you - they paid the invoices, they traced the claims they tracked income, and they told you the bottom line!

And now when they run their own businesses, which are also the Chief Financial Officer, and it may be very huge. However, it should not be ... Let me share with you three simple steps that you can put in place to manage its budget and cash flow.

What is the cash flow projection?

One important area of fiscal management system is that of cash flow projection. Put simply, and cash flow projection shows that the expected income will be able to meet your expectations (forecast) costs, and this report is very useful for you in your business.

This is the annual report and, if set up correctly, will show you how to cash flow through its business within the current financial year. As an independent business owner myself, my use of cash flows report in my own business for many years and was invaluable. Until recently the opportunity to participate in a high profile teleclass series came, but because my systems in place, I knew straightaway that is something I can take part in!

Step 1 - Create a cash flow report

This is very easy to use spreadsheet. Create a column that listed all its costs, that office supplies, legal & professional fees, membership, advertising, etc., and a column for each month of the year. You will need to create formulas that will tell you their total income, total costs and expenses subtracts from income, and also carries forward all amounts from month for the month. This is so you can see how your finances are "flowing" throughout the year.

Step 2 - Introduce your data

Taking its financial data from your accounting system to sign their actual income and expenses, and a list of estimated costs in line item / column. Your cash flow report will now show you at a glance all periods, which will have to be particularly aware. For example, we may have many costs in one month, so you know that the previous month will have to make sure that the funds have held back in its bank account to care for these upcoming expenses.

It will also show you if you can afford to make investments in their business, whether it's signing up for new service or membership in the club, in one ad, or purchasing new equipment.

Your cash flow projection may be used as a budget planner. You can plan year when memberships are due and put these challenges in time. In addition, add an amount for taxes when due. This will provide you with a really good about how we feel cash is flowing in your business, month after month throughout the year, and you can tell how much you can take off for owners draw, but still leave enough to cover estimated costs.

Step 3 - schedule a time

Now that you have your cash flow report on the spot, it is important that you update it regularly, so you can know how much money is flowing in your business and to take all necessary actions so that you have enough to cover all your anticipated expenses.

I recommend planning at least 30 minutes once a month to update this critical financial management report.

Final thought ...

As an annual cash flow projection will provide you with all the information you need, so you can keep at the top of its business and financial know where you are.

Do you have an accountant? Ask them to prepare their monthly cash flow statement for you.

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